By Sabrina Wood on Tuesday, 26 September 2017
Category: New Releases & Updates

An Activity Story: The Inspiration Behind All the Rings

It was a cold winter day last December. We had been out running errands all day, but apparently not moving enough to earn our 30 mins of exercise. At 11:58pm Dave noticed he still needed 3 minutes. He ran around the house in a desperate attempt to close his exercise ring, hoping just maybe the watch would be forgiving and give him credit for the 3 minutes. It was not to be. As the minutes ticked away into the new day, it became clear the 30th minute would never be filled. A 55 day exercise streak broken. "Damn it, my watch should have warned me" he said. And the idea for our newest app was born that night out of frustration.

Dave's story is not the exception. How many times have you been only a few calories away from achieving your move goal? Or missed getting your stand goal because you got the reminder and thought "I'll stand up as soon as I finish..." and next thing you know it's ten past and you've missed your window? It kept happening to Dave and I and it was really starting to get on our nerves. Instead of huffing and puffing about it, we decided to make a companion to the built in activity app that would solve the problem.

Once we decided to move forward with the idea, we realized there were a few more areas that had room for improvement. Over the past year, we've been working towards an enhanced activity experience - think, the activity app on steroids. It's called All the Rings, and it's available now on the App Store. You can read a detailed breakdown of everything All the Rings has to offer here.